yep..after i got down the train..i realized how troublesome it is to be travelling alone. even considerations like going to toilet.. u must think ahh yes i must go now before i collect all my luggage etc etc..cos there's no one to look after ur luggage for u and u can't possibly drag everything into a tiny toilet cubicle.
after going to the toilet, and helping this malaysian lady fill out the customs immigration form because she didn't understand how to fill it.. the queue for customs were like SO LONG. cos all the funny airlines from japan and malaysia and etcetcetc all landed already den huge throngs of ppl were pouring out. anw the wait was worth it cos there was this SO CUTE beagle that was working as a quarantine dog and he would smell those luggages going past. but not everyone got to go past the beagle, prolly only those who didn't declare anything got to go thru the dog. otherwise poor doggy would go berserk sniffing out all the weird food products we had on us. The dog doesn't seem to have a rest so poor thing i hope they don't overwork him.
then i found my way to the air train... and the trains come every half an hour and the next train was going to arrive in 1 min and i was like ahhhhhh. so i rushed to get the ticket and rushed down the escalator (and in the process my duffel bag fell off the big luggage). In the train..almost everyone was like white.. and i felt i stuck out like a sore thumb. and i was the only one with like lotsa luggage. it's kinda like the mrt system.. with more lines..and more confusing. I took a pic of the train map:

nevertheless, i found my way to helensvale station! On the way, I wanted to like take fotos of thigns i see outside...but i only saw like meadows and trees and grass.. and trees and more grass..not much difference, and even if i captured it on the camera, it wouldn't be nice:( . i saw a few horses, goats, etc on the way too. this whole place is very country-ish.
yeah so i got to the house, which is like nearly at the doorstep of the movie world entrance lol...i can like just walk dere lah haha. but then the rest of the day was uneventful and lonely because i thought i had no internet and was cut off from the world and was feeling thoroughly miserable in this unfamiliar place..that really ultimate sian feeling that u dun feel like doing anything and u want so badly to be back in the comfort of your own home and ppl that u love being close to u..i really kicked myself then for choosing to come here. even botley and mum were taken aback when they heard me over the phone..cos i was feeling so so low.
and that's when i discovered that i could go online! but then again i might be like sapping up the homeowner's prepaid account or sth like that .i'm hoping against hope that this is some unlimited account.. otherwise i think i'd have to compensate him like crazy. but then again. what amount is ever too much in exchange for my sanity? being alone in an unfamiliar place is really quite intimidating and in a way scary too. especially when night started to fall and the whole house became quite dark.
i'm sharing a room with zj, there just 2 beds in there..the home-owners didn't clear out the wardrobe, so i'm kinda lost as to where to put my i just randomly hung them somewhere. the place is quite big, and their kid has soooo many medals and trophies. they have a grand piano too. and lots of buddha statuettes.=x
looking forward to zj's arrival! hope i'll have fun tmr!