Gold coast farm stay part 2
right after lunch we just went and played around with the goats for a bit..fed them fruit..took fotos with them..i rmb irene and hl being really scared of the goats haha..i think out of all of them i was the most gung-ho when it came to the animals. one of the goats kept aiming at my jacket sleeve and chomping on it haha. in the meantime the farm workers (who were all japanese surprisingly) were busy chasing after the cow who was running all over trying escape being caught.. the poor cow was too full with milk..cos her calf was separated from her (which is kinda cruel imo :( ) so we could milk her.
milking was cool, lots of videos and fotos for that, shan't elaborate more. after that we went shooting! weibin was really pro..he got like 95% of the shots. haha i mean well he was a marksman in army, and in air rifle in jc! so what do you expect lol. and zj was good too, she got like a few shots down too! i heard the recoil really hurt from all of them and i was REALLY apprehensive to try it cause i wasn't the strongest of persons. haha. and my master eye is my right eye and my master hand is my left hand. how on earth am i supposed to aim properly like that?! so yeah basically the 3 besties missed everything and we decided it's no fun and rather pointless to keep on trying at the expense of dislocating our shoulders lol so we gave the extra shots to weibin and zj who prolly found it more fun and satisfying because they at least managed to shoot something. haha.
after shooting we tried our hand at using the whip, and boomerang throwing. haha. the whip thing was ok i think i got it once or twice, not before i whipped myself with it tho. haha. and boomerang throwing was fun, i think i did get it to come back to me once or twice, and a few times we ended up nearly killing each other when the boomerang started flying toward one of us and that person had to run for their lives. haha.
after that we had a short little break, before we started getting ready for horse riding. i guess horse riding was like the ultimate highlight of the day.. and it was awesome. i got a cool thoroughbred (or pure-bred, i can't rmb) horse called elvis. and i liked him. i wish i could've galloped him tho. i was the last in the line of horses...and so elvis always had to wait up for the rest of the horses in front, who occasionally stopped to poop or pee lol. and there was one point where hl's horse kicked irene's horse and irene's horse freaked out and nearly ran down a slope into a creek and i saw the whole scene and i was like :O all in all i was quite sad when the whole horseriding was over i wanted to ride the horse for longer :( and i was quite bummed too that we were gonna miss the next day's extra horse ride.
milking was cool, lots of videos and fotos for that, shan't elaborate more. after that we went shooting! weibin was really pro..he got like 95% of the shots. haha i mean well he was a marksman in army, and in air rifle in jc! so what do you expect lol. and zj was good too, she got like a few shots down too! i heard the recoil really hurt from all of them and i was REALLY apprehensive to try it cause i wasn't the strongest of persons. haha. and my master eye is my right eye and my master hand is my left hand. how on earth am i supposed to aim properly like that?! so yeah basically the 3 besties missed everything and we decided it's no fun and rather pointless to keep on trying at the expense of dislocating our shoulders lol so we gave the extra shots to weibin and zj who prolly found it more fun and satisfying because they at least managed to shoot something. haha.
after shooting we tried our hand at using the whip, and boomerang throwing. haha. the whip thing was ok i think i got it once or twice, not before i whipped myself with it tho. haha. and boomerang throwing was fun, i think i did get it to come back to me once or twice, and a few times we ended up nearly killing each other when the boomerang started flying toward one of us and that person had to run for their lives. haha.
after that we had a short little break, before we started getting ready for horse riding. i guess horse riding was like the ultimate highlight of the day.. and it was awesome. i got a cool thoroughbred (or pure-bred, i can't rmb) horse called elvis. and i liked him. i wish i could've galloped him tho. i was the last in the line of horses...and so elvis always had to wait up for the rest of the horses in front, who occasionally stopped to poop or pee lol. and there was one point where hl's horse kicked irene's horse and irene's horse freaked out and nearly ran down a slope into a creek and i saw the whole scene and i was like :O all in all i was quite sad when the whole horseriding was over i wanted to ride the horse for longer :( and i was quite bummed too that we were gonna miss the next day's extra horse ride.
yay for all these longer posts. i haven't seen most of your photo albums and probably won't have the time. and every time you say no elaboration cos they're in the photos i'll be like ermmm ok..
Fenella, At
June 4, 2010 at 3:56 PM
hahaha but if i really blog about everything it will be TOOOOO TOOOOO LONG. hahaha. so must see the photos one day when u are free ok! or one day when u have another party at my house lol. the buttersnap cookies are waiting to be opened!
butterfingers, At
June 5, 2010 at 4:32 AM
eh eh eh we have a party tomorrow whatttt!
Fenella, At
June 6, 2010 at 1:23 AM
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