Gold coast farm stay part 3
oh yes, forgot to mention, we saw like 1-2 wild kangaroos too while we were horseriding. but they were really hard to spot because they were like alone.
after horse riding, we were to rest till dinner time. we brought our stuff to the cottage, and after exploring the cottage, and being awed by the cottage interior, and having a little disagreement on who was to get which room which got our only guy a little upset..we headed back out..where the sky was starting to get dark..and we waited at the dining area (we had a choice to eat in the cottage or in the dining area but we choose the dining area. after all we were on a farm! shd experience everything to the max!) where there was a little mini stage and benches...prolly for little school camp performances when schools went over to visit. haha.
dinner was nice..we had beef stew with rice and tea that was heated over the fire..and we saw a bold wild possum come in to the place. it was a rare event too, seeing the way the japanese workers were fascinated by it too.. so we gave a little biscuit to the possum who climbed up the scaffoldings of the dining area and perched himself a distance away above us and went about om-nom-noming its biscuit. i tried to take pics of it but because it was so dark my camera refused to cooperate and kept taking blur pictures..and i didn't wanna use flash on it. when the possum finished the climbed down the beam and i was like ooh cool i get to touch the possum!! but i forgot it was WILD. so yeah i held my finger out to grabbed my finger with 2 of its hands (paws??) and bit down HARD on my finger. i was like YEOW!!!!! it was painful!! and it ran back up the beam after realizing my finger was NOT edible. and bold possum actually came down after that and jumped up the chair to the table and started drinking zj's tea and eaing her ice cream! haha i still remember the sight of weibin protecting his ice cream by covering it with his hands. haha.
after dinner I played around with the campfire a bit cause i miss campfires from my guides days and all....and we were looking out at the stars which had started to dot the sky. and the japanese guy (whom i think worked there for like 7 yrs alr) was pointing out the southern cross to us and telling us the direction of antarctica could be told from the southern cross. like really cool. and he pointed out the milky way to us too..that was the first time i saw the milky way and i was like WOW. awesome. he pointed out like venus(i think) and mars to us too and we were super awed and we were gonna go out star-gazing later that night when the sky grew darker.
so we went back..and took turns showering..while i turned on the tv and switched to channel ten where MASTERCHEFFFFFF was on!!! haha. super exciting. lol i love masterchef sad tt i can't watch it already :( can only go to the site once in a while to see who's been eliminated and why. and philip whom i supported and mentioned in one of the previous entries was eliminated for some stupid reason!! and after that i went to shower and when i was done showering all the cooking and tasting was done and i was like what?!?!! D: after that weibin went to nap and we were all doing our own thing..till we decided we all shd start playing bang and we woke weibin up..and the 3 of them taught me and zj how to play bang which was really fun :)
after many rounds of bang, we decided to go out and stargaze. and star gazing proved really really fun. i wish we had sheets to lie down on, couldn't just lie on the grass, because as i said in facebook, it was pooland. you'd risk lying on poo if you lay down on the ground. so as a result all of us were standing there in the cold and having sore necks. thank goodness i was in my trackpants and jacket.. if i'm not wrong hl was like just wearing shorts i duno how she survived! we were down there just looking at all the stars, trying to pick out constellations, or imagine our own constellations, when irene and hl spotted a shooting star. and we were like WHERE WHERE?! and we thought they were really lucky to have seen one..when all of us started to spot shooting stars of our own here there and every where! and we got really excited and happy and started making wishes upon the shooting stars. haha. we were a bit could we see so many shooting stars in one night? it was just something that was beyond our belief, growing up in star-less singapore. but as we confirmed with the owner of gum nuts the next day, this was perfectly normal. he said that on one of the meteor shower nights, he saw 2-3 shooting stars every 30 seconds and we were like WOWWWWW.and we were lucky too, it was a new moon night that there was no moon!!! which meant that the stars were brighter. so cool. i wanna experience more meteor showers in my lifetime. i just went to wikipedia it and i found out meteor showers occur throughout the year!! ok anyway after that zj hl and irene decided it was time to they absorbed the whole sky into their memories (quoting hl's words haha) and i decided i wanted to stay out there for it ended up that me and wb were the only 2 left out there. well it was a nice thing.. being able to chat with a good friend under the stars.. so i quite enjoyed it.. we stayed out till about 2am before we decided to go slp. and for the record, i saw 10 meteors!!! :)
i slept really poorly that night..being really really really really cold for some reason, despite being in trackpants and socks and my jacket..i had to put on another blanket in the middle of the night..and my sinus acted up REALLY badly prolly cos of the cold too, and i couldn't breathe properly, and had to wake up to apply the sinus med too. which was why i wish that the fireplace was working. i wonder how it'd be like in'd be absolutely FREEZING. the next morning..i think pretty much everyone was feeling rather under the weather..i was still so cold that i decided to borrow ling's gloves to wear. we had breakfast in the cottage..which was alright..aside from the fact i ate a weird looking egg. :( okays so that ended our farm stay which was really fun and memorable!
p.s. while writing these entries..i went and did a little bit of surfing and researching haha and i shall share my findings in the next post! lol
after horse riding, we were to rest till dinner time. we brought our stuff to the cottage, and after exploring the cottage, and being awed by the cottage interior, and having a little disagreement on who was to get which room which got our only guy a little upset..we headed back out..where the sky was starting to get dark..and we waited at the dining area (we had a choice to eat in the cottage or in the dining area but we choose the dining area. after all we were on a farm! shd experience everything to the max!) where there was a little mini stage and benches...prolly for little school camp performances when schools went over to visit. haha.
dinner was nice..we had beef stew with rice and tea that was heated over the fire..and we saw a bold wild possum come in to the place. it was a rare event too, seeing the way the japanese workers were fascinated by it too.. so we gave a little biscuit to the possum who climbed up the scaffoldings of the dining area and perched himself a distance away above us and went about om-nom-noming its biscuit. i tried to take pics of it but because it was so dark my camera refused to cooperate and kept taking blur pictures..and i didn't wanna use flash on it. when the possum finished the climbed down the beam and i was like ooh cool i get to touch the possum!! but i forgot it was WILD. so yeah i held my finger out to grabbed my finger with 2 of its hands (paws??) and bit down HARD on my finger. i was like YEOW!!!!! it was painful!! and it ran back up the beam after realizing my finger was NOT edible. and bold possum actually came down after that and jumped up the chair to the table and started drinking zj's tea and eaing her ice cream! haha i still remember the sight of weibin protecting his ice cream by covering it with his hands. haha.
after dinner I played around with the campfire a bit cause i miss campfires from my guides days and all....and we were looking out at the stars which had started to dot the sky. and the japanese guy (whom i think worked there for like 7 yrs alr) was pointing out the southern cross to us and telling us the direction of antarctica could be told from the southern cross. like really cool. and he pointed out the milky way to us too..that was the first time i saw the milky way and i was like WOW. awesome. he pointed out like venus(i think) and mars to us too and we were super awed and we were gonna go out star-gazing later that night when the sky grew darker.
so we went back..and took turns showering..while i turned on the tv and switched to channel ten where MASTERCHEFFFFFF was on!!! haha. super exciting. lol i love masterchef sad tt i can't watch it already :( can only go to the site once in a while to see who's been eliminated and why. and philip whom i supported and mentioned in one of the previous entries was eliminated for some stupid reason!! and after that i went to shower and when i was done showering all the cooking and tasting was done and i was like what?!?!! D: after that weibin went to nap and we were all doing our own thing..till we decided we all shd start playing bang and we woke weibin up..and the 3 of them taught me and zj how to play bang which was really fun :)
after many rounds of bang, we decided to go out and stargaze. and star gazing proved really really fun. i wish we had sheets to lie down on, couldn't just lie on the grass, because as i said in facebook, it was pooland. you'd risk lying on poo if you lay down on the ground. so as a result all of us were standing there in the cold and having sore necks. thank goodness i was in my trackpants and jacket.. if i'm not wrong hl was like just wearing shorts i duno how she survived! we were down there just looking at all the stars, trying to pick out constellations, or imagine our own constellations, when irene and hl spotted a shooting star. and we were like WHERE WHERE?! and we thought they were really lucky to have seen one..when all of us started to spot shooting stars of our own here there and every where! and we got really excited and happy and started making wishes upon the shooting stars. haha. we were a bit could we see so many shooting stars in one night? it was just something that was beyond our belief, growing up in star-less singapore. but as we confirmed with the owner of gum nuts the next day, this was perfectly normal. he said that on one of the meteor shower nights, he saw 2-3 shooting stars every 30 seconds and we were like WOWWWWW.and we were lucky too, it was a new moon night that there was no moon!!! which meant that the stars were brighter. so cool. i wanna experience more meteor showers in my lifetime. i just went to wikipedia it and i found out meteor showers occur throughout the year!! ok anyway after that zj hl and irene decided it was time to they absorbed the whole sky into their memories (quoting hl's words haha) and i decided i wanted to stay out there for it ended up that me and wb were the only 2 left out there. well it was a nice thing.. being able to chat with a good friend under the stars.. so i quite enjoyed it.. we stayed out till about 2am before we decided to go slp. and for the record, i saw 10 meteors!!! :)
i slept really poorly that night..being really really really really cold for some reason, despite being in trackpants and socks and my jacket..i had to put on another blanket in the middle of the night..and my sinus acted up REALLY badly prolly cos of the cold too, and i couldn't breathe properly, and had to wake up to apply the sinus med too. which was why i wish that the fireplace was working. i wonder how it'd be like in'd be absolutely FREEZING. the next morning..i think pretty much everyone was feeling rather under the weather..i was still so cold that i decided to borrow ling's gloves to wear. we had breakfast in the cottage..which was alright..aside from the fact i ate a weird looking egg. :( okays so that ended our farm stay which was really fun and memorable!
p.s. while writing these entries..i went and did a little bit of surfing and researching haha and i shall share my findings in the next post! lol
i feel comparatively much more satisfied reading these long posts as compared to the previous short ones. seems like i've developed a sort of expectation for new entries to see whenever i come here =X
anyways. really glad to read such enjoyable entries again (: lol i suddenly remember my "audit". finally seeing passes again ;D
Fenella, At
June 4, 2010 at 4:28 PM
oh and thank God you still have your finger intact!!
Fenella, At
June 4, 2010 at 4:29 PM
nooo! you failed my previous entries?!!! noooo hahha. sometimes blogging long posts saps my energy..though i thoroughly enjoyed blogging the gold coast farm stay ones =o) oh and u know if you look really carefully u can see the scar of the possum bite haha.
and you do know..that it will have to end soon..since i'm at gold coast farm stay.. means aust days wise there's only 4 left to blog about. haha.
it will truly mark the end of a phase..once i'm done blogging and posting. and that's my deadline to come out of it and stop emo-ing.
ooh! perhaps this is the longest comment ever? hahaha.
butterfingers, At
June 5, 2010 at 4:42 AM
ahh i just typed a reply and went to do other stuff and came back to cont and pressed backspace and it was gone! :( grrr. anws...:
haha ermerm i meant i didn't tick off all the points on my audit list for those entries hehx.
eh eh nobody says ame can only blog about aust whatttt life anywhere else also got stuffs blog-worthy!!
Fenella, At
June 6, 2010 at 1:47 AM
no lah as in. when i'm done blogging/posting fotos. it's the end of aust phase. time to leave aust behind. haha. finally. oh well. yes yes we have a party tmr. lol
butterfingers, At
June 6, 2010 at 2:17 AM
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