in no order of importance whatsoever.
mr liang: the towkay of the company who is currently in singapore/china and plays badminton every monday tuesday and thursday and cycles nearly every other day he doesn't play badminton. he has a very nice house and has been here for 16 years. his daughter is super pretty and looks like she's come out from a korean movie.
sheena: the HR manager and QA manager who has been tasting my very very hot chilli sauce and giving me very valuable comments on how to improve it. also the wife of mr liang.
uncle gary: the owner of the house i stay in and also the general manager of the company. he is left handed too! :D he manouvers bends and turns at 50-60km/h and i'm like :O. also brother of sheena.
linnett: daughter of uncle gary and aunty suvy, she owns a horse and a guinea pig and takes really good care of them, and she's hoping to be a vet next time. wish i could be like her.
clarence: the food technologist who is my immediate supervisor who was in NUS FST's very first batch, who salutes nicole as she walks past him to go to the toilet, says good afternoon to colin every MORNING when he arrives, jumps on the spot in the lab and has a kid that is highly mischievous and looks set to follow after his crazy father's footsteps lol.
colin: a portuguese man who lived in singapore last time and used to work with singapore airlines and can cook very well. he offered us tempeh to eat yesterday and it was SUPER yummy. the first piece of advice he gave to us when clarence first introduced us to him was: "don't listen to anything that clarence says."
nicole: the receptionist whom i get along with quite well and likes to do stupid things to clarence like hide under his desk, steal his biscuits, or turn his desktop wallpaper pink. she names her desk freddie and refuses to let me touch him.
wayne: the crazy guy in the lab (refer to past entries for evidence) who is addicted to milk coffee and always brings the students out. his official post is known as lab technician but he pretty much dabbles in everything in the whole factory. if there were a hit list for the number of times a name is called in a day, wayne's would be top of the list everyone is always going "wayne! wayne! wayne! wayne!" or calling on the phone to say "can i speak to wayne please?" or opening the door and asking "is wayne there? or where's wayne?" lol.
tracey: another wacky lab QA personnel who is very efficient at her work and likes to sing funny songs and make funny faces through the sample holding window.
annita: a very nice jolly samoan lady who always says 'i shall be gone' everytime she goes on a break and i find that very funny. and her catchphrase is 'i'm so tired...' because she really honestly doesn't sleep much.
uncle kim: the in charge at the kitchen and can be very animated at times it's very interesting to watch.
uncle benji: guy in charge of the warehouse who has a naturally LOUD voice when he calls on the phone u can put the phone like 30cm away from ur ear and still hear him. he always likes to go 你们在干嘛!and all my failed attempts of chilli making go into a container which he eats with his dinner. lol.
uncle johan: he is very fatherly and very nice and treated us to drinks the other time and lost city. but he gets stressed up when the machines aren't going well.
aunty eileen: brought us to work before uncle gary's family came back from singapore, and treated us to country roast chicken that was sooo nice. she works at the filling area and is very quick with her hands.
lorna: kiwi gal working out at filling area who always calls me shorty
teina: maori lady working out at filling area who treated me and zj to steak and mushroom pie which is very yummy. and every time she eats mi goreng, she gives me the chilli part of the seasoning cos she doesn't eat it. lol.
mark and matthew:brothers working at different parts of the factory and are both very nice.
david: wayne's favourite boy. who loves to party and can even come to work hungover. but he is a nice guy
marcus: american guy working out at filling area that loves to sing and disturb me. lol
michael: this really friendly and nice guy with a very bushy beard who surfs and bushwalks.
dion: works at the raw materials warehouse weighing stuff. and he can eat spicy stuff too. he makes chili or spaghetti in huge bulks on the weekend, and packs them up into containers so he can bring them to lunch every day during weekdays.
stephanie, renae, william, belinda, jenefer, debbie, chris, tom, josh, craig, johnny, derek, aunty eng, sean--all the people working in packaging or filling or kitchen, or maintenance. ruth works part time as a food technologist.