Gold coast farm stay part 1
okays i have been procrastinating but i shan't procrastinate anymore because i have a weird system that i have to blog about the event (if it hasn't been blogged yet) after i post up fotos before i post up the next set of fotos.
so anyway that morning we flew from sydney back to the gold coast. it was my first time going to gold coast airport and i took the window seat. when it was nearing, the plane was going along the coast..and i was like looking out of the window..seeing the coast..and wondering to myself..hmm where's byron bay..where's burleigh heads..where's currumbin...and it just gave a very nice familiar feeling..kinda like a feeling of being home after being away for so long.. after all it kinda felt like a second home to me after 4 months. and i felt really happy when i touched down to gold coast. just a very warm excited feeling that came from within..which i couldn't really explain. I called the gum nuts guy who was supposed to pick us up..and he seemed really friendly too. :)
so after a while we got our luggage, and got picked up in the bus.. and he said oh we'll be travelling inland for about 1 hr ++ to a place called nerang. and i just felt so at ease hearing all these familiar names..seeing familiar road signs..and familiar roads..there was this road we went on..that i turned and asked zhujun..remember this road? this was the road we took to o'reillys! it kinda just brought back lots of fond memories. haha perhaps many years later.. when i return to the coast again..i will feel exactly like that.. or perhaps be overwhelmed with greater and stronger nostalgia. haha. so we were headed toward a winery in mt nathan (more memories haha).
the winery experience was nice, we met a fellow singaporean working there..who taught us how to do wine tasting and the experience was really cool and refreshing! you have to 1) swirl the glass properly, and observe the stick on the side of the glass, the greater the stick, the better the quality of the wine...and wines that have been diluted with water will have very poor stick. 2) smell the wine..first with your left nostril and then with your right..because apparently your left and your right orthonasal receptors pick out different notes! like they send different messages to your brain. it's like a right brain and left brain thing or something. like what guys smell with their left nostril will be what gals smell with their right..and stuff like that. that was really cool. and 3)drink just a sip and let it circulate entirely through your mouth so that you sense all the flavours and tastes that you've smelt..and let it run down the back of the throat by tilting your head back a little. and we tried a lot of different types of wines.. by the end of it hui ling was SOOOO RED in the face we wanted to take a pic of her but she refused to let us haha..and she started wearing her huge sunglasses to cover up the redness. haha. all of us, except for zj bought the honey liqueur in the end..
yep so we travelled and finally got to gum nuts! where lunch was waiting for us. haha. i wanted to go to the washroom..and when i went in there were 2 cubicles. i opened one and i saw a few insects...kinda like colourless dragonflies.. big wings.. small body..i don't know the name of the flies haha. i was like hmmm lets take a look at the other one..when i opened the other one i was like whooaaa and i quickly closed it. there were even more in the other one. so when i came out.. the rest of them had come in to use the toilet and i was like hmm i tink u shd use the one i used.. and they all did..except irene who was gung ho enough to use the other one.. BUT when she flushed the toilet apparently a frog jumped out at her!! she was SUPER freaked out. apparently the frog was in the toiletbowl all along?????
yup jumping toiletbowl frogs aside, we filled out some sort of horse riding imdemnity form, and then settled down to lunch. i had grilled beef, and weibin had grilled fish, while the rest of them had grilled chicken. i didn't get the grilled chicken cause i wasn't sure if it would be breast meat, but i liked grilled beef anyway. haha but the grilled chicken WAS breast meat and it was yummmmmyyy. haha. lunch was good overall :)
so anyway that morning we flew from sydney back to the gold coast. it was my first time going to gold coast airport and i took the window seat. when it was nearing, the plane was going along the coast..and i was like looking out of the window..seeing the coast..and wondering to myself..hmm where's byron bay..where's burleigh heads..where's currumbin...and it just gave a very nice familiar feeling..kinda like a feeling of being home after being away for so long.. after all it kinda felt like a second home to me after 4 months. and i felt really happy when i touched down to gold coast. just a very warm excited feeling that came from within..which i couldn't really explain. I called the gum nuts guy who was supposed to pick us up..and he seemed really friendly too. :)
so after a while we got our luggage, and got picked up in the bus.. and he said oh we'll be travelling inland for about 1 hr ++ to a place called nerang. and i just felt so at ease hearing all these familiar names..seeing familiar road signs..and familiar roads..there was this road we went on..that i turned and asked zhujun..remember this road? this was the road we took to o'reillys! it kinda just brought back lots of fond memories. haha perhaps many years later.. when i return to the coast again..i will feel exactly like that.. or perhaps be overwhelmed with greater and stronger nostalgia. haha. so we were headed toward a winery in mt nathan (more memories haha).
the winery experience was nice, we met a fellow singaporean working there..who taught us how to do wine tasting and the experience was really cool and refreshing! you have to 1) swirl the glass properly, and observe the stick on the side of the glass, the greater the stick, the better the quality of the wine...and wines that have been diluted with water will have very poor stick. 2) smell the wine..first with your left nostril and then with your right..because apparently your left and your right orthonasal receptors pick out different notes! like they send different messages to your brain. it's like a right brain and left brain thing or something. like what guys smell with their left nostril will be what gals smell with their right..and stuff like that. that was really cool. and 3)drink just a sip and let it circulate entirely through your mouth so that you sense all the flavours and tastes that you've smelt..and let it run down the back of the throat by tilting your head back a little. and we tried a lot of different types of wines.. by the end of it hui ling was SOOOO RED in the face we wanted to take a pic of her but she refused to let us haha..and she started wearing her huge sunglasses to cover up the redness. haha. all of us, except for zj bought the honey liqueur in the end..
yep so we travelled and finally got to gum nuts! where lunch was waiting for us. haha. i wanted to go to the washroom..and when i went in there were 2 cubicles. i opened one and i saw a few insects...kinda like colourless dragonflies.. big wings.. small body..i don't know the name of the flies haha. i was like hmmm lets take a look at the other one..when i opened the other one i was like whooaaa and i quickly closed it. there were even more in the other one. so when i came out.. the rest of them had come in to use the toilet and i was like hmm i tink u shd use the one i used.. and they all did..except irene who was gung ho enough to use the other one.. BUT when she flushed the toilet apparently a frog jumped out at her!! she was SUPER freaked out. apparently the frog was in the toiletbowl all along?????
yup jumping toiletbowl frogs aside, we filled out some sort of horse riding imdemnity form, and then settled down to lunch. i had grilled beef, and weibin had grilled fish, while the rest of them had grilled chicken. i didn't get the grilled chicken cause i wasn't sure if it would be breast meat, but i liked grilled beef anyway. haha but the grilled chicken WAS breast meat and it was yummmmmyyy. haha. lunch was good overall :)
haha that's a good system actually.
i know i know the part about nathan's head growing big is it is it
lol i thought you mean like a wooden stick and i was like huh so you put a stick in =/ then i realised it's adhesion... woww different notes that's cooool.
wahaha the red face and frog stories sound familiar
Fenella, At
June 4, 2010 at 2:25 PM
haha it's a good system..but it makes the whole aust photo uploading + blogging process REALLY REALLY slow. haha my comp hung when i was trying to leave a comment just now. so i'm back to finish commenting. paiseh i was vague about the stick haha cause she said stick. i should have used ADHESION. it's more scientific. lol.
butterfingers, At
June 5, 2010 at 4:22 AM
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