
Thursday, April 1, 2010

work the past 2 days

the past 2 days at work were absolutely hilarious. Good Friday is tomorrow, and for some reason it is a HUGE thing over here in Australia, there's 4 days of holiday so we have holiday tomorrow, and next monday too!! 2 4-day weeks in a row WHEE~~~ and what's more, today is April fool's day.

The pranking actually started 2 days ago, where nicole went and got a vitamin tablet bottle and some of those food colouring bottles that we have, placed some fake sticker labels over it and then put them into a box and sent them to the lab saying they were samples sent in by some company. when wayne opened it he saw one bottle which was supposedly some hair dye, and another for nappy rash. the hair dye bottle contained green colouring and the nappy rash one was red lol.

yesterday, she had another of those big labels for morning sickness, and then i went and got wayne's usual coffee milk bottle, and brought it out for her, and she stuck on the label and i put it back into the fridge where he usually stores it. it was such a crackup seeing him drink from a bottle that says 'morning sickness relief'.

usually in the morning, the day's production will be put up on a board in the production area. today we were doing like 4 products, and then tracey went and added another one which was 35 cooks (1 cook is like 640 kg which can fill like 1280 bottles of tomato sauce lol and loads of people were like asking 'are we really doing the tomato sauce today?' and eng looked at it and went oh my god and she freaked out haha. and then we went and placed black paper with tape under the red light of the mouse that wayne uses at his computer, and he was trying to use it but the cursor refused to move and he got irritated lol until he finally found out what was going on.

and since it was the easter holidays, some company gave us a huge basket of easter eggs, and nicole was told to give one out to everyone, and she went and opened it up and took the ribbon and tied it to her hair and wore a hairnet over it and went around giving out easter eggs and we took a lot of stupid photos too :p it was really funny.

camping on moreton island and brisbane for the next 4 days!! whee. :)

and i learnt 2 things today: in australia, u can only prank people after 12 o'clock. if you succeed, they are the fool, if you prank people after 12 pm, u are the fool. and on the first day of the month, you can give someone a pinch and a punch on the first day of the month! lol.


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